My Writing
I am on a journey of self-improvement, daily pursuing who God is calling me to be.
I am passionate about developing myself & being a good steward of everything God entrusted to me.
I love sharing things I’m discovering with those of like-mind.

I share my thoughts as they come – sometimes frequently, sometimes farther apart.
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I share my thoughts as they come – sometimes frequently, sometimes farther apart.
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You’ll be notified every time a new article is available.

The Top 'Er Off Rule
There are two ways to free your time to do more of what matters:
- Productivity = getting more done in a given amount of time.
- Intentionality = having less to-do overall.
Both will give you time back to focus on…

The Separation System - Part 2
I use the Separation System in two particular examples in addition to the Emotion-Act scenario I talked about last week:
1. Forgive-Act
2. Understand-Act
Forgive-Act comes into play when…

The Separation System - Part 1
Here’s how I de-dramatize my relationships, personal & professional.
We all have stories of dramatic relationships, dramatic people.
Those that, no matter how hard you try, always blow up in your face.
“Difficult” people/relationships if you will…

My No-Phone Day
Last Sunday, I took the day off my phone.
I was going through withdrawals 😬
Saturday night, I got everything ready…

Silver Bullet Syndrome
Everyone is looking for the quick fix, the Silver Bullet.
Whether in business, relationships, or health.
We think there’s a magic thing…

Hating on Grandma
How unhappy must a person be to post a hateful comment on someone’s post who they don’t even know?
I read a post this morning: a wholesom, feel-good post about honoring our elders & treasuring their memories.
Apparently, not everyone agreed…

To the Young Man at Panera
To the young man I encountered at Panera.
Out to lunch with your girlfriend, sitting across the table from her.
Glued to your phone, not interacting with her at all…

Her Facts & Feelings
Our marriage is 2+ years old, the “honeymoon phase” has ended, and we’re into the nitty gritty reality that we’re two different people creating one life together.
The key question:
How can we have a healthy relationship when we’re so different?

Phone Addiction is Real
My wife misses me. My daughter wants her daddy back.
And I’m doom scrolling through Facebook.
Phone addiction is real. And it’s sucking my life away…

My Fitness Routine
for a Busy Life
As a busy professional, now husband & father, I have many things pulling at my time.
I know my health is important, and I want to show up for the people & activities in my life.
So how do I fit a workout in amidst all the other things I want to do?