Christopher Regnier

My Fitness Routine for a Busy Life

My Fitness Routine for a Busy Life

July 22, 2023

Read time: 2 minutes

As a busy professional, now husband & father, I have many priorities pulling at my time.  I know my health is important. 

I want to look good & feel good so I can show up for the people & activities in my life. 

So how do I fit a workout in amidst all the other things I want to do?

My Solution

Optimize my workout routine. 

Instead of spending 1-hour in the gym 5 days a week, I found a way to make the most of shorter, fewer gym sessions while still 1) getting a good workout, and 2) building muscle.


30-40 minutes, full body, HIIT-style workouts, 3x/week. 

The specifics:

  • Target exercises that work multiple muscle groups = fewer overall exercises. 

    • Examples – squats, deadlifts, bench press, rows, etc. 
  • Move from one exercise right into the next = keep my heart rate up & add some cardio to my strength training.

  • Volume (10-20 reps per set) = more strain on my muscles leading to increased mass. 

A bonus result is that I can do a hard core, full-body workout every time because of the increased recovery (I workout Monday, Wednesday, Friday). 

Fun fact: Your muscles (with the exception of your core) need 48 hours recovery after a workout. Thus, working the same muscle group every day is actually less effective than every other day.

Net Net...

If something is important to you, don’t let it go just because it’s hard. 

Get creative. 

If you think outside the box, you can find nontraditional ways to get the results you want with the time you have. 

This week's action step

1) What is one area of your life that is really important but you put on the back burner? 

2) How can you get creative to pursue that goal in the time you have? 

3) Bonus: comment below with your answers.  I would love to hear your creative solutions!

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