Christopher Regnier

The Separation System - Part 1

The Separation System - Part 1

February 13, 2024

Read time: 2 minutes

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The brotherhood receives a weekly system you can apply TODAY to start living a life of significance.

Here’s how I de-dramatize my relationships, personal & professional. 

Part 1 of 2.

The Background

We all have stories of dramatic relationships, dramatic people.  Those that, no matter how hard you try, always blow up in your face.  “Difficult” people/relationships if you will. 

Over the past 5 years, I’ve had a supersized amount of drama in my life.  Some very interesting people have crossed my path (I’ll leave it at that).  In getting through it, I developed the Separation System.

The Separation System

The Separation System is all about isolating what I’m feeling from what I’m going to do about it. 

2 things are important when it comes to emotions/drama: 

  1. What am I feeling? 
  2. What am I going to do about it?  

What am I feeling?

If I don’t truly identify & process what I’m feeling, I won’t make a healthy decision that I feel good about.  I end up with regret, bitterness, and further drama. 

Instead, I give myself the safe space to process what I’m feeling, while reminding myself, “I’m not saying I’m going to ACT on these emotions, but how do I actually feel about this situation, no filter?”

What am I going to Do About It?

Now that I’ve truly “heard myself out” and identified how I feel, I remove myself from the emotion as I make a decision on how to act. 

This saves me from making a harsh or rash decision I will later regret.

The Result?

I give myself the space to process what I’m feeling and the space to make a wise, logical decision.  Win-win. 

Drama comes from emotions run rampant.  To deflate drama, deflate the power of emotions by separating emotion from action. 

Feel free to steal the Separation System next time drama rears its ugly head in your life.  And stay tuned next week for Part II with a couple practical examples of how you can use the Separation System to de-dramatize your life.

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The Significant Life Newsletter

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Each week, the brotherhood receives a deep dive into a system that’s made a difference in my life or a particular facet of lifestyle optimization I’m focusing on.

You’ll walk away with a fresh perspective every week and systems you can apply TODAY to get out of the stands and onto the field of your life, family, and work.

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1 thought on “The Separation System – Part 1”

  1. Pingback: The Separation System – Part 2 - Christopher Regnier

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