Hating on Grandma
Hating on Grandma
August 19, 2023
Read time: 2 minutes

How unhappy must a person be to post a hateful comment on someone’s post who they don’t even know?
"Haters gonna hate"
It happens all the time. The “haters”.
“Haters gonna hate” is a mainstream saying for a reason: people regularly “hate” on others, especially on social media.
Take a step back & consider this:
How unhappy must a person be to spend their day hating on people they don’t even know?
An Example
I read a post this morning; a wholesome, feel-good post about honoring our elders & treasuring their memories.
Specifically, this post outlined how a guy & his family hired a writer to sit with his grandma and record her life story.
Again, a feel-good, wholesome reminder of what’s important in life.
Apparently, not everyone agreed…
The Hater
One comment:
“Must be nice to be wealthy enough to hire a writer for this. What are the rest of us supposed to do?”
This guy read a wholesome post… and his default response was hate?
I mean, how?
What kind of thoughts must be running through his head where his default response to goodness is hate?
What kind of life must he be living?
What kind of unhappiness does he constantly carry around?
What kind of relationships (and lack thereof) does he have if he treats complete strangers this way?
It’s really sad.
What We Can Do
The next time you encounter hate on the internet, whether it’s something you post or not, consider the hater:
How unhappy must he be if he spends his time posting comments like this?
Instead of lashing out in return, consider having empathy.
Maybe even send him a DM: Hey man. I saw your comment. You doing ok?
In a world of hate, bring kindness.
In a world of darkness, light.
This week's action step
Don’t let the haters win.
Be kindness.
Be light.