Christopher Regnier

Silver Bullet Syndrome

Silver Bullet Syndrome

August 26, 2023

Read time: 2 minutes

About the Newsletter

The brotherhood receives a weekly system you can apply TODAY to start living a life of significance.

There are no Silver Bullets; only hundreds of Golden BB’s.”  – Alex Hormozi


Everyone is looking for the quick fix, the Silver Bullet. 

Whether in business, relationships, or health. 

We think there’s a magic thing. 




But there are lots of little things…


Golden BB's

Golden BB’s are the seemingly insignificant tasks that add up to a meaningful result.


Want to succeed in business? 

Do the reps.  Make the cold calls.  Fulfill the clients. 


Want a healthy relationship? 

Have the hard conversations.  Stay up late hearing her heart.  Die to yourself & put him first. 


Want a healthy body? 

Eat the good food.  Workout 3-5x per week.  Get some sleep. 


It’s not sexy. 

It’s not easy. 

But it works.

Silver Bullets

The nonexistent Silver Bullet is supposedly easy.  A quick fix, one-and-done answer to all of life’s problems. 

But it takes Golden BB’s: small, repeated actions that incrementally move you towards your goal.

The Bar is Low

The good news is… (well, depending on how you look at it). 

The bar is so low. 

Consider my time in college… 75% of students never came to class.  Come final exam day, I’d look around and wonder, “Who are all you people?  Where have you been all semester?” 

When the bar is this low, it’s relatively easy to be exceptional.  Just do the work (show up for class), and you’re ahead of 95% of people. 

Another example… somewhere around 95% of podcasts have less than 3 episodes.  People get excited, “I’m going to start a podcast!”, record a few episodes, and drop off.  That means, if you simply stick it out & make 10-20 episodes, you’re ahead of almost everyone.

In Summary

It’s hard.  That’s why no one is doing it. 

But it’s possible. 

Be willing to “shoot” Golden BB’s instead of waiting for a Silver Bullet. 

You will take down your goals while everyone is waiting for that Bullet to come along.

This week's action step

1) What are your Golden BB’s, the small actions that add up to the meaningful result you’re hoping for?

2) Once you’ve identified your Golden BB’s, schedule them into your week.  Allocate time when you will focus on those tasks on a regular basis.  Your goals depend on it. 

the Significant Life newsletter


Know men in your life (fathers, husbands, brothers, friends, uncles, etc.)

who want to start living a life of significance?

Send them this link to sign up! 

We need more MEN.

Know men in your life (fathers, husbands, brothers, friends, uncles, etc.)

who want to start living a life of significance?

Send them this link to sign up! 

We need more MEN.

The Significant Life Newsletter

Join your Christian brothers answering the call to a life of signifiance.

Each week, the brotherhood receives a deep dive into a system that’s made a difference in my life or a particular facet of lifestyle optimization I’m focusing on.

You’ll walk away with a fresh perspective every week and systems you can apply TODAY to get out of the stands and onto the field of your life, family, and work.

Your life is waiting…

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