Christopher Regnier

TO the Young Man at Panera

TO the Young Man at Panera

August 12, 2023

Read time: 2 minutes

About the Newsletter

The brotherhood receives a weekly system you can apply TODAY to start living a life of significance.

To the young man I encountered at Panera. 

Out to lunch with your girlfriend, sitting across the table from her. 

Glued to your phone screen, not interacting with her at all.

A letter

Hey man, 

Sorry to interrupt.  I know this is out of the blue.  I just want to share something with you. 


Is this your girlfriend? 


Look at her. 


She’s beautiful (no, I’m not trying to steal your girl.  I’m happily married). 

She’s right here, giving up a portion of her day to spend exclusively with you. 


Man… Why are you staring at your phone?  Leaving her alone, even though you’re right here? 

What could be so captivating in your digital world that is worth ignoring the beautiful girl physically here in front of you? 


Put the phone down man.  Look into her eyes.  Talk to her. 

I promise: you won’t regret it. 

I promise: what you’ll find in her eyes is worth far more than what you’ll find on your screen. 


Look at her.

Missing the beauty

This message is to a real guy I noticed at Panera recently.  I never communicated this to him, although I was tempted to. 

Shortly thereafter, my wife shared with me a conversation she had with two of her recently-married girlfriends.  They were both frustrated with all of the time their new husbands spent gazing into their screens vs. spending time with them. 

It’s a problem, guys & girls.  We’re missing the beauty in front of us, in favor of colored pixels on a screen. 

I do it.  I’m sure you do too. 

Let’s stop.  Me & you. 

Let’s do more eye-gazing & less pixel-gazing. 

You with me?

This week's action step

When you’re with someone, whether a significant other or a friend, commit to being present to them. 

Put your phone away.  Shut if off.  Be with them. 


Extra credit: Report back.  I’d love to hear how it goes.

the Significant Life newsletter


Know men in your life (fathers, husbands, brothers, friends, uncles, etc.)

who want to start living a life of significance?

Send them this link to sign up! 

We need more MEN.

Know men in your life (fathers, husbands, brothers, friends, uncles, etc.)

who want to start living a life of significance?

Send them this link to sign up! 

We need more MEN.

The Significant Life Newsletter

Join your Christian brothers answering the call to a life of signifiance.

Each week, the brotherhood receives a deep dive into a system that’s made a difference in my life or a particular facet of lifestyle optimization I’m focusing on.

You’ll walk away with a fresh perspective every week and systems you can apply TODAY to get out of the stands and onto the field of your life, family, and work.

Your life is waiting…

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